Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not So Good at This

So, turns out, I suck at blogging. Fingers crossed I get better and it's not like the book I've been writing for a year now. I'm still on the second chapter. It just takes me a while to get the ball rolling I guess. It doesn't make it easier that no one reads this, but then again. I don't put it out there anywhere for people to read. Once I post a few times about things I've done to my house and the ch-ch-ch-changes then I'll link it to Facebook. Until then, I'll blog in the shadows I suppose.

I just wanted to link to this site I found, Jenna Sue Design, that does cool graphic city maps in all sorts of different colors. I'm definitely getting myself one of these, but the question remains, do I go for the birthplace or a city I aspire to visit. Oh, sweet dilemmas.

What would you do?

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I don't understand when people my age (clinging onto mid 20's to save my life) decorate their houses in what I would assume is the style of someone 30 years their senior. We have a real problem here in the south, or Louisiana I would say, with rustic French fleur de lis tan, burgunday and deep green over done decoration. When I see a home that is lacking in the personal and doesn't feel unique at all, it puts me off. I'm definitely not a reflection of a spread in Southern Living, but I wouldn't say I'm the opposite either. I like modern pieces with a homey feel. I want things to have my own personal touch on them.

I know that's not really fair to say. To each their own and all that. I have a heavy kitschy hand sometimes. I don't view it kitsch as bad taste or vulgar, even though that is the Wikipedia definition. Maybe the word I should use would be quirky. Either way, I get too cutesy, and I'm trying to deviate from that. I want organic mod quirky elegance. I want plants and color and art decorating the walls. I want you to think all the pieces don't fit and then ooh and aah when you see they fit perfectly.

I want a accurate reflection of me.

And, it's hard to remember that it takes time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well, hello there!

Last July, I bought a house. I felt accomplished and... scared. I was also very excited about decorating it. Then, I was super aware how much money I did NOT have to decorate it.

I've painted. I've scoured estate sales, shopped online, spent way too much money at Lowe's, and I'm going to talk about it all. My only regret is that I didn't start this blog from the start. It would have been fun including the search for a house and escrow and all that other overwhelming adult things. I know I was freaked as I signed paper after paper, trusting that I wasn't signing my soul away...

I'm pretty sure it's still intact.

The pictures below are a lot of befores and super boring. I'll post room by room soon with updates and new pictures. I hope you'll stick around, share ideas and enjoy!

Until next time...